Housing Portal

Welcome to the Regent's University London housing portal.

To apply for on campus accommodation in Reid or Oliver Hall, and to access the accommodation system you will need to set a password.

Please enter your Student ID number which will have been provided to you by the admissions team, or study abroad office. Make sure you use the same email address that you provided on your University Application. If your email has changed please contact admit@regents.ac.uk to update your details. Inbound study abroad students, should email, studyabroad@regents.ac.uk

If you are a returning student please use your student ID number and current email address that you provided during the online enrolment process.

If you have any queries regarding the registration or booking process please email accommodation@regents.ac.uk

If you are looking for non University housing we can help you with that: just email us at accommodation@regents.ac.uk